PowerTech Treadmill Reviews


Hello and welcome once again and this time I have just completed the Powertech Treadmill Review which you should definitely read if you are considering buying one in the coming days or weeks. This particular brand is not one that many people are familiar with in the UK and therefore is somewhat untested over a longer period of time.


This review will take a detailed look of what this Powertech Treadmill has to offer and also to outline all the good points and also some of the limitations that exists when compared to various other models in the market.


The last thing I want to do is bore you with tons of text so I will try to keep this review as brief as possible and focus on just one model which is the PowerTech Performance Pro Treadmill.

Treadmill Review Overview:

BrandPowertech Treadmill
Price LevelsApprox £300 to £330 (at the time of this review)
Warranty12 months
Best Place to Buy:Sports and Leisure UK, Shenstone - View Available Stocks Here
Orders OnlineOrders accepted online with Free delivery
DeliveriesLocation dependant, but they target a next day delivery where possible

Video Demo


Please note that items which are eligible for the next day delivery service are dispatched on the next working day service with their courier delivery services. Deliveries will be attempted the following working day depending on a number of factors.

Delivery is usually targeted on the next working day, although in a small number of circumstances it can be 2 or 3 days more depending upon location and courier performances so please make this in mind if you intend to proceed any further with this company which stocks this brand of Treadmill

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Powertech Treadmill Review

The PowerTech Performance Pro Treadmill

Overview of Features:

  • One of the major attractions here before we even start is the life time warranty on the motor so that is one thing less that you have to worry about – but please make sure to keep your docket receipt in a safe place if you ever intend to use it.
  • As with many other models, there is an attractive easy to use LCD screen to allow easy changing of settings and also the pulse sensors on the handlebars along with the speed controls built in there also. Once delivered, assembly is simple and easy to do and takes you a matter of a few minutes to get set up.
  • There are also 12 different pre-set settings which takes away the chore of having to complete it manually and it can be folded down and locked away for easy provided as outlined in the image further below.
  • The power level here is 1.5HP and included the motorized incline for your additional workout regime and also the short cut speed and incline keys which are great and simple to use once you get the hand of it.
  • For transportation around your home, it has the solid wheel added in and the price point can range from £300 to £330 when I last seen in on sale with Sports and Leisure UK at the time of this review.


  • Lifetime warranty on the motor and 12-month warranty on the treadmill
  • Price level compares very well across the industry with 12 pre-programmed settings
  • The motorised incline is perfect for hill runners or brisk walkers.


  • Lower power level of 1.5HP
  • Limited to only 12 km/hr
  • Limited testing over a longer time period

Additional Images

A selection of further images are also outlined below for this Treadmill

Comparison Table

If you wish to compare it against other similar models under the Bodytrain brand, then feel free to also take a look at the comparison table outlined below

Model:Motor:Speed Level:Weight:User Weight:Run Deck:
PowerTech PERFORMANCE PRO Treadmill1.5HP - Life time warranty1 – 12 km/hr61kgMax 110kg1200 by 420mm
BodyTrain Endurance F18 Treadmill2HP - Life time warranty1 – 14 km/hr80kg Max 100kg1260 by 420mm
BodyTrain Fitness Master 8008B Treadmill3HP1 – 18 km/hr96kgMax 150kg1360 by 500mm


If you still wish to consider further options, then feel free to take a closer look at these different brands which are also worth taking a closer look at from Reebok and JLL...


Overall, though largely untested across the market, we feel confident about recommending this treadmill and the fact that it comes from a reliable supplier in the UK and has the warranties needed is a major plus. This Performance Pro provides all aspects of fitness that you need from serious runners all the way to serious and steady walkers. As it has the 12 settings, you can easily adjust it to whatever level you need on any given day or simply operate it manually as required.


Community Feedback

Have you any personal experiences of the Powertech Treadmills yourself? If so, feel free to leave your own personal opinions good or bad by leaving a comment in the comment box provided below - so that others can learn also

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  1. Hey John, I thought your review was very insightful. It was a very thorough and I learnt a lot about this Powertech brand. After reading your review I feel much happier with this brand of treadmills and the good/poor points to note for each model type.  Good job and I just wanted to express some gratitude for your hard work for doing this review, Much more educated now!

    • No problem – you are very welcome and thanks for stopping by and visiting this review website, take care and best of luck with whatever decision you make. Regards, John.

  2. I’m currently experiencing an issue with mine where as soon as you step on the treadmill it speeds up of its own accord. Any idea why this could be?

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